Collection: Varahi

Know About Goddess Varahi- 

Goddess Varahi is one of the most prominent Sapta Matrikas. She is depicted as the sow-face goddess and is associated with divine feminine power. Her statues are reminders of her fierce yet benevolent nature. In many ancient texts, she is also identified as the incarnation of Bhudevi the consort of the third incarnation of Lord Vishnu the Varaha avatar.


Types of Goddess Varahi Statues-  

The Goddess is traditionally depicted seated on a lotus pedestal with eight, six, or four arms and very rarely with two arms. She holds various objects in her arms- a Shankha, Chakra, a Hala (plough), a Danda (stick), a goad, and a noose, as well as the symbolic Abhaya (fearlessness) Varada mudra (blessing gesture). Each weapon represents her power to resist negativity and bestow benefits upon her devotees. When depicted with two hands she only displays the Abhaya and Varada mudra signifying her nature of protecting and giving boons.


Significance of Goddess Varahi Statues- 

Made with different materials like Brass, Bronze, Copper, Wood, and Stone the Varahi statues are always the symbol of fierce protection. The statues have a strong aura and are often worshipped to get rid of very stubborn evil energies.  Placing a Varahi statue at home or sacred space invites her divine energy and protection. It serves as a potent symbol of strength, courage, and resilience, encouraging the removal of negative influences and the fostering of a safe and harmonious environment. Whether used for personal worship, meditation, or as a decorative piece, a Varahi statue embodies the divine feminine power and provides spiritual solace and strength. It is a meaningful addition that enhances both the spiritual and aesthetic atmosphere of any space.


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